New Test Shows Controller Has Massive Advantages over Keyboard & Mouse In Fortnite

The legitimacy of using a keyboard and a mouse over a console controller is often hotly debated, especially in the world of esports.

Though there’s plenty of reason to believe that the level of precision needed for a win is only available with KB&M, there’s lots of console controller users on the other side of the argument too.

Credit: Pixabay

However, a recent Reddit post has thrown a pretty huge spanner in the works, as one gamer seems to have provided evidence suggesting that a controller will give players a definite advantage, specifically in relation to playing Epic Games’ Fortnite.

Redditor Elijahyeur claims that a “controller has less recoil than a Mouse, even without aim assist,” and they have the evidence to prove it [via Dexerto].

Credit: Epic Games

Elijahyeur shows in a video (below) that firing a Fortnite weapon when using a controller has much less recoil and kick than with KB&M – and that’s even with aim assist turned off. 

Controller has less recoil than a Mouse, even without aim assist from r/FortniteCompetitive

However, not everyone is satisfied with the findings, because this is Reddit.

One user responded to the thread, writing: “I mean seeing PC dominate console in competitive is enough to disprove you.

“And we’ve been seeing PC do this for years now so you are hella late. If console had all these advantages i’m sure they’d be dominating in tourneys right?”

Credit: Epic Games

Another said: “Anyone using a mouse and not adjusting for recoil is also very dumb. With a mouse you don’t need all this help they give controllers because it’s so easy to be precise and accurate.”

It looks like the war between keyboard and mouse players and controller players will rage on. At least we can all agree that mobile controls suck, amiright?

Do you have a preference of output when you play Fortnite?

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay