Nintendo has issued over 1,300 copyright strikes against a YouTube channel that streams soundtracks from its vast library of games.
Nintendo Japan began issuing copyright strikes to the YouTube channel belonging to GilvaSunner in December 2020. The YouTube channel in question streams soundtracks from many of Nintendo’s most popular franchises such as Super Mario, Legend of Zelda and much more.
Over a year later, GilvaSunner has issued an update on the copyright takedowns, sharing all 1300+ soundtracks that have been removed by Nintendo Japan. There are many more soundtrack pieces on the YouTube channel, so I won’t be surprised if Nintendo returns with a further spree in the days to come.
GilvaSunner has previously pointed out that the music streamed on the channel is not monetised and no profit is being made from them.
Back in 2020 when the strikes began, no explanation was given for the takedowns. So, I assume it’s a simple case of our music and no one else will share it. However, the problem with that is at the time of writing, Nintendo offers no alternative to officially stream its music on platforms such as YouTube or Spotify. You just simply cannot stream Nintendo music, officially.
Nintendo offers no alternative

In fairness to Nintendo, it is well within its right to issue the takedowns, but it could at the very least offer an alternative. Perhaps even an official channel on YouTube where we can all listen to its musical delights. Though, I will not be holding my breath.
What are your thoughts on Nintendo Japan issuing over 1,300 copyright strikes? Let us know across our social media channels.
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Featured Image Credit: Nintendo