No Man’s Sky’s ‘Santa’ Is Giving Away Billions To Unsuspecting Players 

No Man’s Sky has crept back into the limelight thanks to last month’s massive update: NEXT. 

NEXT introduced a lot of game mechanics that players were eagerly hoping for, rocketing the game to the success it was hoping for when it first launched back in 2016. 

Now that people are back into their exploring, crafting and discovering, it seems like one player in particular has found a new role – as the game’s Santa. 

A Reddit user by the name of Long_Nose_Jim recently posted a photo of his inventory to the r/NoMansSkyTheGame subreddit, proudly showing off an unimaginable amount of Stasis Devices – the most expensive item in the entire game. 

For reference, a single Stasis Device will set you back 18 million credits, with Long_Nose_Jim confirming the collection is worth more than 3.3 billion credits in total (!). 

But Long_Nose_Jim didn’t create the post to brag, he’s created the post to tell players that he’s going to be giving away the high-value items to players he meets during his travels. 

He added the image with the caption: “Spent the last 2 weeks filling one of my haulers, now it’s time to give these all away!”

Just one of these Stasis Devices will help your game exponentially, leaving hundreds of players hoping to run into a random encounter with Long_Nose_Jim. 

Reddit has now dubbed him the ‘Space Santa’ for his incredibly generous and selfless act. According to the forum, Long_Nose might actually consider wearing a red suit while on his travels… 

Wonder if he knows whether you’ve been bad or good this year…? 

There’s no set date for Space Santa to begin his trip around the universe, but if you run into him you’d better be good, for goodness’ sake! 

If you meet Space Santa in No Man’s Sky then drop us a comment and let us know. 


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