NSFW Crash Bandicoot Reference Spotted In The Last Of Us Part 2

A very NSFW nod to the Naughty Dog classic, Crash Bandicoot, has been spotted by journalists who got to go hands-on with a demo for The Last of Us Part 2.

The demo, which hopefully we’ll all get to play at some point, received critical acclaim, but a very cheeky Easter egg has only just been spotted.

Credit: Activision

If you don’t want any spoilers for The Last of Us Part 2 then please stop reading now.

As reported by ComicBook, the demo shows off a section of the game featuring protagonist Ellie and her love interest, Dina.

The duo are out patrolling their camp when they come across the den of a fellow survivor who just so happens to apparently have a penchant for marijuana and porn.

Credit: Naughty Dog

Of the porn collection, there’s a tape which very obviously – and very hilarious – contains a nod to Crash Bandicoot, as it bears the title “Smash Brandi’s Cootch.”

Well played, Naughty Dog.

The Last of Us Part 2 recently got itself a release date and a brand-new trailer. From what we’ve seen so far the game is looking gloriously gory, and it’s definitely looking a lot darker than the first game.

Credit: Naughty Dog

Actor Troy Baker, who plays Joel in the games, spoke to GameByte and revealed just how careful the ND team – in particular director Neil Druckmann – has been in its execution of reveals.

In an exclusive interview during MCM Comic Con Scotland, Troy said: “There’s nothing that Neil [Druckmann] has shown, said or shared [about the game] that has not been carefully curated.

Last Of Us 2 Details The Last Of Us Part 2 Gameplay Reveal
Credit: Naughty Dog

“There’s no-one that cares more about you as the gamer, having the perfect experience, than him. Even to the point that he and I have locked horns because we’ve disagreed about how things should be done or shared or whatever but it’s because wherever there’s contention, there’s care. I respect him so much for how he has crafted this story.”

The Last of Us Part 2 releases for PlayStation 4, February 21, 2020.

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog