People Are Vowing To Quit Fortnite Because Of Red Dead Redemption 2

As the whole world knows by now, we’re just a few weeks away from the release of Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2, aka the game everyone is waiting for.

The hype for the upcoming title is now so real that fans are vowing to quit one of the biggest games of the year – Fortnite – in favour of Red Dead.


Hundreds of people are tweeting about how Fortnite is going to lose some serious love when Rockstar’s game comes out later this month. Wonder if Epic Games is worried…?

It’s a pretty weird one considering how different the two games are. Fortnite‘s biggest audience is for its Battle Royale mode, whereas Red Dead is (mostly) a single-player story-based Western action-adventure title.

It would definitely be a plot twist to see Fortnite getting taken down by a game like Red Dead as opposed to a direct competitor, like PUBG…

The number of people vowing to leave their Victory Royale in favour of a horse with shrinking testicles seems to be growing and growing, and it’s even more serious than you might first think, as people are even DONATING their Fortnite accounts to better homes.

One Twitter user/Fortnite fan has pledged to give their account away when the new game comes out, which is pretty generous tbf.

Will you be leaving Fortnite in favour of Red Dead Redemption 2?

Fortnite season 6

Red Dead Redemption 2 is set to release on the Xbox One and PS4 on Oct. 26