Players Are Begging For Fan’s Pokémon Australia To Be Made

A fan-made Pokémon Australia is going viral, because it’s so damn good.

VivinkArt has come up with concepts for the whole game, and she has pretty much made it already. It’s called Pokémon Yeah/Nah and she’s come up with characters, a Pokédex, a map, and even inspired other fans to make different artwork. It’s gorgeous.

Tweeting the map, she wrote: “Welcome, this is the Straya region. (STRAI-YAAH) A vast, sunburnt country with an arctic baseline. Players can choose their starting town, which are the ones named! The gameplay experience adjusts so the sandbox-styled region’s progression is non-linear.”


She’s been adding a range of Pokémon to the Pokédex, and it’s updated fairly regularly.

Lots of them are based on Australian animals, such as kangaroos, tarantulas, and even a platypus.


Back in March, VivinkArt (aka Liz), came up with the concept as a bit of a joke.

Speaking to Kotaku, Liz said: “It was definitely a joke I did from earlier this year that started it. It got me inspired to make an entire region and game based in Australia.”

She continued: “Steve Irwin as a Professor/Champion made tons of people happy, which really motivated me to keep going. Seeing so many people positively reacting and being touched by the idea of Irwin being a Pokémon Champ meant a lot.”


The level of detail is next-level, with her even coming up with concepts for the Pokémon when they level up.


We’re incredibly impressed with her work, and you can follow her on Twitter, as well as Instagram, to see how she progresses. Hopefully, with this level of talent and the amount of time and effort she’s put into this, it’ll get made.

Fans really want it to become a real game…

To be fair, Australia is perfect for a map. You’ve got the Outback, cities, beaches… you’d think they’d have already made a map based on it!

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Featured image credit: VivinkArt