A member of a group called Ancestral Whispers has ‘reconstructed’ a skull of a skeleton from Skyrim.
Have you ever looked at a skeleton’s face in Skyrim and thought ‘I desperately need to know what that skeleton might have looked like’? Well, today is your lucky day, because we can show you that right now (thanks, GamesRadar).
Ancestral Whispers is typically an organisation that specialises in reconstructing faces of prehistoric humans. It’s obviously a generally useful thing to be able to do, as it gives us an idea of what humans used to look like.
The software is based on the work of Soviet-era archeologist and anthropologist Mikhail Gerasimov. And it essentially layers soft tissue over a cranial structure. Giving a rough idea of what a person might have looked like. One member of Ancestral Whispers, as seen below, decided to do that with a Skyrim skeleton.
“Facial reconstruction of an ancient Atmoran from Saarthal, dated to the late Merethic Era,” reads the tweet from Sulkalmakh. This is all obviously a bit tongue in cheek, as Atmora is a region in Tamriel, Saarthal was the capital of Skyrim in the past, and the Merethic Era was a point in time in the Elder Scrolls’ history. As you can see, this particular Atmoran has quite the jaw on him. Though the hair is likely a personal choice. We were even treated to what he might have looked like with or without a beard.
Something also fun is the fact that the person who designed the skeletons in Skyrim, Jonah Lobe, responded to the above tweet. “Ha! I literally designed the skeletons from Skyrim,” wrote Lobe. “You did an awesome job with the reconstruction. I wanted them to look thuggish, thick-jawed, thick-browed and sort of Neanderthal-like. This is that.“
So now we know what at least one Skyrim skeleton was meant to look like! Now we just need the rest.
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Featured Image Credit: Bethesda/ Ancerstral Whispers