Some Minecraft Fans Aren’t Happy With How It Runs On Next-Gen

You don’t need me to tell you that Minecraft is one of the most popular games in the world. The game is approaching a decade old with its first iteration releasing on PC in November 2011. Since then, Minecraft has made its way to three separate console generations as well as mobile devices.

However, some Minecraft fans are getting frustrated over the way that the game performs on next-gen consoles. As it stands, there hasn’t yet been a dedicated next-generation update for Minecraft on the Xbox Series X|S. The game is still running in backwards compatibility mode. That means the game is still running at the same resolution and framerate as the Xbox One, despite the more powerful hardware.

Reddit user ‘NotFromMilkyWay’ begins a post with “sorry for the rant” before listing their extensive issues with the game: “takes twenty seconds just to load the menu, no Auto HDR, no Quick Resume, 1080p resolution, marketplace with constant errors.” These are all issues that you’d expect to be fixed in one the most popular first party titles on the Xbox platform.

Credit: Minecraft RTX/NVIDIA

When will these issues be fixed?

With Microsoft acquiring Mojang as a first party studio back in 2014, Minecraft has been a pillar of the Xbox platform for some time. The game was even used to demonstrate the power of the Xbox Series X in a ray tracing showcase. However, that functionality is currently only available on the Windows 10 edition of the game. There’s currently no word as to when, or if, ray tracing will come to the Series X|S.

Have you also run into these issues with Minecraft on the Xbox Series X|S? Let us know across our social channels.

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[Featured Image Credit: Microsoft/Mojang]