Sony Is Developing A PS5 Pro, According To New Report

A new rumour is circulating that a PS5 Pro is currently in development from Sony, if that’s what a new report is to be believed.

According to a new report from RedGamingTech on YouTube (thanks, GAMINGbible), it seems Sony will be releasing a more advanced PS5 sometime in 2024. This comes four years after the original console’s release at the end of 2020.

This alleged new console upgrade brings better performance, improved ray-tracing, and more storage space. It should also come with better support for PSVR.

YouTube video

Before you say “That’s too soon!” – there is a precedent here. Sony launched the PS4 Pro back in 2016, which was three years after the release of the original PS4. So it stands to reason that a PS5 Pro could appear within the same timeframe.

The PS4’s CPU was vastly underpowered at the time, so the release of a much more powerful system was necessary to keep up with the demanding nature of the games. Have you tried playing Horizon Forbidden West on a base PS4? It’s brutal!

However, the PS5 is much more powerful compared to hardware demands than the PS4 was back then. It’s even capable of playing most modern games at 4k and 60fps. So I’m not sure if a PS5 Pro is warranted just yet.

But who knows, eh? We’ll wait and see what Sony has to say on the matter. Would you get a PS5 Pro? Let us know on our social channels.


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Featured Image Credit: Sony