Twitch looks to tackle online gambling in streams

Twitch is looking to tackle online gambling streams as the issue continues to grow in popularity on social media platforms.

Gambling streams on Twitch are nothing new and it’s something that doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. While forms of gambling might have a place on Twitch, such as a high-stakes poker match, perhaps featuring a favourite celebrity, there is a seedier side to the genre.

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Credit: Bethesda

Twitch is great for gaming

I think in most cases, many of us might choose to watch content creators on Twitch to check out the latest video gamers. Perhaps you might even watch a favourite game of yesteryear.

However, it’s becoming increasingly easier to find gambling streams. Sure, as I mentioned above, I believe some forms of gambling have its place. That being said, it’s the unregulated streams that have continued to cause an uproar.

twitch gambling
Credit: Twitch

Furthermore, the authenticity of some gambling streams has been brought into question. For example, there have been accusations that some gambling streams are fixed to sensationalise the content and entice the viewer.

Gambling can be fun, but harmful

Then of course we have the addictive nature of gambling. Not only for recovering addicts or those that are trying to escape from the scene, but online gambling can also be easily exposed to children.

Credit: Amazon

Thankfully, according to a report from Bloomberg, the higher-ups at Amazon-owned Twitch are taking a “deep-dive look” into the concerns of online gambling on its platform.

A spokesperson for Twitch said that it is looking at ways to make online gambling a safer space. One way in which the issue is being discussed is by banning links and referral codes to online gambling outlets.

Some are calling for a complete ban

twitch gambling

Earlier this year, concerned gamers even started a petition calling for Twitch to issue a complete ban on gambling on its platform. At the time of writing, the petition is nearing its intended goal of 2,500 signatures.

What are your thoughts on gambling streams on Twitch? Let us know across our social media channels.

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Featured Image Credit: Twitch/Source: Game Rant via Bloomberg