WATCH: Star Wars Episode I: Racer Remade In Unreal 4 Engine

The Star Wars games of the past few years have been…well…not so great, but there’s some back-in-the-day titles that are bonafide classics. One of those classic games is none other than Star Wars Episode I: Racer, which originally launched way back when in 1999.
Seeing as it’s now 20 years old, it’s been very kindly given the Unreal Engine 4 treatment, courtesy of modder RobJin.

Credit: LucasArts

RobJin started on a mission to learn how to create using Unreal Engine 4, but the test project turned into something much, much more special.

Check out the infinitely impressive trailer below.

YouTube video

In the trailer’s description, RobJin writes: “Hello everyone, here’s my last personal project on which I work since about 10 months, during my free time and after my work.

“At first it was only an exercise to learn the basics of Unreal Engine, but it went a bit too far …. In my madness I tried to recreate a demo version of the game star wars pod racer released in 1999 on Arcade, N64 and DREAMCAST ❤

“It is still very far from perfect (animation, optimization …) and I still have a lot of things to learn but the game is playable and we can control the Anakin pod on the map Mos Espa, Tatooine.

Credit: LucasArts

“I thank the EU4 community and Epic Games for the amount of tutorials and shared guides. PS: it’s my first step with an unreal engine, and in the video game … do not be too hard with me.”

With the amount of love the project is getting all over the web, we can’t imagine anyone giving RobJin a hard time!

Credit: LucasArts/RobJin

Check out more details on the project right here, or download it for yourself here.

YouTube video

This is probably the closest we’re going to get to recreating the feeling of playing this game for the first time as a kid…

Featured Image Credit: LucasArts/RobJin