We’ve Been Calling PlayStation’s ‘X’ Button By The Wrong Name, Says Sony

Sony has blown the minds of players, developers and even staff members at the company with a recent tweet about the iconic PlayStation controller.

The gaming giant has left us all in shock by seemingly confirming that the controller’s ‘X’ button isn’t an ‘ex’ as we’ve all been pronouncing it – it’s actually called the ‘cross’.

PlayStation UK responded to a tweet about the name of the button, writing: “Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square…If Cross is called X (it’s not), then what are you calling Circle?”

Naturally the world is pretty shook at the news, which has essentially rewritten the last 20 years of gaming.

One response to the tweet reads: “You’re lucky xbox sucks or i would be really…. cross with you! But seriously i’m selling my playstation and buying three switches i don’t need now because of this.”

Even God of War 2018’s director, Cory Barlog, was baffled by the news, tweeting: “Wait…whaaaa???”

A poll started by the official PlayStation UK account later revealed that most people are still going to be calling the button the ‘ex’ button, but one user added the science behind their reasoning.

Credit: Pixabay

“Because this debate grinds my gears, I’ll finish it once and for all: – Crosses have the same distance between each stick. – Crosses form a square.

“- Exes don’t have the same distance between each stick.
“- Exes form a rectangle. Basic geometry.”

Sorry, you can throw geometry at me all you like, but it’s still the ‘ex’ button to me, and it always will be.

Naturally the memes came flooding in, with PlayStation UK later tweeting: “OK the votes are in, these are now the new names of the buttons. Press No Pizza to Start.”

What do you call that button? And do you know why the buttons have the symbols they do? GameByte does! Check out the history of the PlayStation controller in the video below.

YouTube video

Featured Image Credit: Sony