Genshin Impact Is The Hottest Game Right Now (And It’s Free-To-Play)

The game everyone’s talking about right now is one you’ll want to download ASAP, because it’s available for the low, low price of nothing. Yep, free-to-play Genshin Impact is the incredible new RPG which has charmed its players, and it’s already seen a staggering number of downloads.

Credit: miHoYo/Game_DEV085

The Chinese open-world RPG might remind you a little (or a lot) of The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, but get past that and you have yourself a beautiful game that’s both engrossing and huge.

Honestly, you might feel a little bad for playing it for free (but if you do, there is some optional content you can pay for.) Note that the game appears to be entirely free from pay-wall blockages though, so you can pretty much work your way through the whole thing without spending a single cent.

Credit: miHoYo/Game_DEV085

Genshin Impact, which is available for mobile, console and PC, is already breaking records. According to mobile performance analyst App Annie, it’s already seen over 17 million global downloads in its first four days since launch. It’s now also the biggest international launch of a Chinese game ever. Well done, miHoYo!

Genshin Impact’s official description reads as follows: “You and your sibling arrived here from another world. Separated by an unknown god, stripped of your powers, and cast into a deep slumber, you now awake to a world very different from when you first arrived.

“Climb any mountain, swim across any river, and glide over the world below, taking in the jaw-dropping scenery each step of the way. And if you stop to investigate a wandering Seelie or strange mechanism, who knows what you might discover?”

YouTube video

Free-to-play Genshin Impact is available on mobile devices, as well as PS4 and PC. It’s planned to come to Nintendo Switch at a later date. Find out more on the website here.

What do you think about Genshin Impact? Let us know using the emojis down below!

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Featured Image Credit: miHoYo/Game_DEV085