Fans Are Criticising Halo’s Latest Episode For Asexual Erasure

Spoiler alert for the latest episode of Halo: Master Chief had sex.

In the most recent episode of the Halo TV show, Master Chief which has left some fans upset at the asexual erasure of the character.

In the original Halo games, Master Chief is very much an asexual character. He never shows interest in any other character in such a way, it’s just not a part of who he is. But in the most recent episode of the Halo TV show, Master Chief had sex, a surprising moment for many considering his established character.

fans are upset

And very fairly, some fans are upset at this erasure of an important aspect of Master Chief’s character. Twitter user MonkeysxMoo35 wrote a Twitter thread discussing Master Chief’s asexuality, and how it isn’t something that applies to all Spartans.

In the thread, MonkeysxMoo35 explains that Spartans don’t have their sex drives supressed as part of their augmentations, at least not all of them.

He also explains how numerous Spartans engage in off-screen sexual activity. Noting how both Randall and Maria had kids. MonkeysxMoo35 also made the important point that asexuality is different from aromantic. The former means a lack of a sex drive, the latter means a lack of romantic attraction.

halo tv series
Credit: 343 Industries/Paramount

Other Twitter users also expressed disappointment at the direction of the show. And despite the Halo show not being canon, running on its own timeline, still felt left out from the decision. 

Asexuality is something that a lot of people don’t, and sometimes refuse, to understand. But it’s really a simple thing, and can often be an important part of someone’s life. To take that away from Master Chief is to deny a certain amount of agency for the character. So it’s very disappointing to see the show take this direction with the character.

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Featured Image Credit: Paramount/ Microsoft