Only 2.5% Of FIFA 20 Gamers Have Played A Women’s Football Match

EA’s FIFA games are generally recognised as being very male-oriented, but a discovery on Reddit has shown just how few players have even tried playing in a women’s match in FIFA 20.

As posted to the r/gaming subreddit, a user by the name of icharlie17 shared an image of a trophy they’d gotten in FIFA 20, which shows that the trophy for playing a women’s match is “Ultra Rare,” with only 2.5% of players having achieved it.

Credit: Reddit/ icharlie17


Note that the achievement is for those who’ve played a women’s match, and not for those who’ve won. It’s really a very sad state of affairs but there might be more to the stats than it seems.

One user commented on the thread suggesting that it’s not down to a sexism thing on the player’s part, but instead down to the game mode itself. They write: “The problem is that there is no point on playing that mode, it’s just a quick match with such low variety of teams. I like the idea, but I think it needs more implantation on the others modes.”

Credit: EA

Another added: “There’s no women in Ultimate Team. And 99.9% of the players plays UT.”

One player suggested that the mismatch between male and female in-game players could be down to how the individual user might identify with them. They said: “When i was a kid and got a racing game. All i wanted to was race the fastest cars or the ones i personally felt a connection with. bother with the rest if i can use the best or the ones i feel emotional towards?

Credit: EA

“I feel this could be what most of the userbase. They will play with either the best or their local team. How many people in their userbase will consider the female teams fit that description?

“As bad as i make that sound, this is how that changes. The more womans teams are in peoples faces, the more that people will get connected to it. This mode will grow overtime.”

Credit: EA

Do you have this Ultra Rare FIFA 20 trophy?

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