The Future Of Far Cry 6 Is Filled With Crossovers

Far Cry 6 has free crossover updates with Danny Trejo, Rambo and Stranger Things planned for the next 24 months.

So do you feel like slicing up bad guys with Trejo (who picks up a machete to defend his restaurant)? Perhaps you’d prefer to rain down wrath with a Rambo-obsessed super fan? Or maybe you’d like to rescue friendly sausage dog Chorizo from a new upside-down inspired area? Whichever takes your fancy – Far Cry 6 has some treats in store for you.

You can get a little taste of what’s to come in this trailer:

YouTube video

What else does Far Cry 6 have in store?

As well as the three collaborations, there are also weekly insurgencies and six new ‘special operations’ to try out. It’s all playable as a solo player or as in co-op mode.

In addition to the free updates, Far Cry 6 has some new DLC coming as we wrote about previously here. If you purchase the season pass DLC, you’ll also get access to three new missions exploring Far Cry villains Vaas Montenegro, Pagan Min and Joseph Seed. 

The season pass is also included with the special editions of Far Cry 6. Ubisoft has created a helpful guide so you know what’s accessible with which version of the game. We have the game available for sale on the GameByte store if you’re looking to get into Far Cry 6.

Credit: Ubisoft

Are you excited to get stuck into the new Far Cry 6 updates and DLC? Let us know via our social media channels. 

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Featured Image Credit: Ubisoft