Top Streamer Says Modern Warfare Absolutely Needs A Battle Royale

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is less than a month away from release but people are still debating whether or not the upcoming title should have a battle royale mode.

Top Twitch streamer and pro-gamer, Shroud, has now offered his opinion on the debate, saying that absolutely Modern Warfare needs a battle royale mode.

Credit: Instagram/Shroud

Shroud spoke about Modern Warfare following the beta testing for the game’s multiplayer, stating [via Dexerto]: “Straight up, this game needs a BR — and I don’t know if they’re doing one…

“These game modes [6v6] only last for so long; FPS needs BR nowadays.”

Shroud also went on to add that Modern Warfare is shaping up to be “very unique in comparison to other CoDs.”

Credit: Activision

At the time of writing, neither Activision nor Infinity Ward has confirmed whether or not Modern Warfare will have a BR mode.

Although hopes are high for the next addition to the CoD franchise, fears of microtransactions are rife within the gaming community.

According to a recent leak, the upcoming game might be including exclusive weapons hidden behind the paywall that is supply drops, meaning microtransactions could be a pretty huge thing in MW.

Credit: Activision

There’s also the recently-announced news that PlayStation 4 players will get more content than PC and Xbox One players for a whole year.

According to the most recent Sony State of Play announcements, Modern Warfare PS4 will have access to the Spec Ops Survival mode for a whole year, with Xbox One and PC gamers not getting to play it until 1st October 2020.

Credit: Activision

As controversy continues to grow around Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the game’s slowly becoming less of a must-have 2019 title.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launches October 25th 2019 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Featured Image Credit: Activision