Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is less than a month away from release but people are still debating whether or not the upcoming title should have a battle royale mode.
Top Twitch streamer and pro-gamer, Shroud, has now offered his opinion on the debate, saying that absolutely Modern Warfare needs a battle royale mode.

Shroud spoke about Modern Warfare following the beta testing for the game’s multiplayer, stating [via Dexerto]: “Straight up, this game needs a BR — and I don’t know if they’re doing one…
“These game modes [6v6] only last for so long; FPS needs BR nowadays.”
Shroud also went on to add that Modern Warfare is shaping up to be “very unique in comparison to other CoDs.”

At the time of writing, neither Activision nor Infinity Ward has confirmed whether or not Modern Warfare will have a BR mode.
Although hopes are high for the next addition to the CoD franchise, fears of microtransactions are rife within the gaming community.
According to a recent leak, the upcoming game might be including exclusive weapons hidden behind the paywall that is supply drops, meaning microtransactions could be a pretty huge thing in MW.

There’s also the recently-announced news that PlayStation 4 players will get more content than PC and Xbox One players for a whole year.
According to the most recent Sony State of Play announcements, Modern Warfare PS4 will have access to the Spec Ops Survival mode for a whole year, with Xbox One and PC gamers not getting to play it until 1st October 2020.

As controversy continues to grow around Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the game’s slowly becoming less of a must-have 2019 title.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launches October 25th 2019 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.
Featured Image Credit: Activision