Prestige has been a part of Call of Duty for a long time. It’s a badge of honour that says you have climbed to the pinnacle of the game. Call of Duty works best when there are goals for players to attain, and Call of Duty Vanguard has streamlined that process somewhat. The process to get to prestige in Vanguard is pretty familiar, but for lapsed players the system is different from older games. Regardless of your experience, here is what you’ll have to do to reach prestige and what comes after.
Road to Prestige
This is the familiar section of the journey. As it has been since Biblical times, to reach prestige you must climb the experience ladder. The maximum level in Call of Duty Vanguard is fifty-five. As you level up, you’ll unlock all the weapons, perks and killstreaks. Once you hit fifty-five and reach Commander rank you’ll start earning prestige ranks from then on. Unlike in older games, prestige does not mean resetting your rank and starting from scratch. You never lose your unlocks or progress in Vanguard.
Where Do We Go From Here?
In Call of Duty Vanguard, prestige ranks are seasonal. Following on from the seasons of Black Ops: Cold War, Vanguard has players work their way through prestige ranks to unlock seasonal rewards. Reportedly this will include weapon blueprints and cosmetic items. The first proper season is set to start in December. Until then we are in a pre-season to give players time to level up through the military ranks. In this pre-season, there are three levels of prestige. The first is unlocked when you reach fifty-five, the second when you reach prestige level fifty and the third once you reach prestige level one hundred. Rewards are minimal for now, again to let players get ready. At prestige level fifty you unlock a blueprint, then a Prestige Master title at one hundred. Emblems unlock at each tier.
Going forward, there will be new prestige rewards every season. Your progress will not fully reset each time. At the start of each season, you will start from the beginning of your current prestige rank. So for example, currently you reach prestige rank two at level fifty and rank three at one hundred. If you were level seventy at the beginning of the next season, you will still be prestige rank two, but you will start at level fifty. It sounds unusual, but it hasn’t properly started yet so who am I to judge?
That’s everything we know about levelling and reaching prestige in Call of Duty Vanguard so far. For more tips on how to get started in Vanguard, check out our other guides! For more gear tips, check out our guides for the best assault rifle, SMG, LMG, marksman rifle, shotgun and sniper loadouts in Call of Duty Vanguard. If you want to know what to load alongside those weapons, check our guides for the best equipment and perks in the game.
Be sure to also check out our review of Call of Duty Vanguard here.
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Featured Image Credit: Activision